Sunday, 13 March 2016

An Interview with: BLVCKMVNIVC

Source: Instagram

Hello guys and welcome to another post on this Sunday night. Tonight I have something rather special to show you, an interview with the infamous street wear god, John Melchico aka Blvckmvnivc. John took to Instagram a little over a year ago and within that space has built up an empire of social media accounts and followings. So sit back, relax and read on!

John Melchico-Bronx


Currently working full time in Selfridges contemporary menswear as a sales associate and stylist. While running my Instagram account as a global brand ambassador, so fashion is a full time job for me.

What started your love for fashion?
Ive always had a love for fashion at a young age, but within the last year its become my life. Instagram gave me the opportunity to share my love on a global scale and to engage with people around the world who share the same passion that I do.

Whats the most enjoyable aspect you find in your blogging?
Theres no one specific aspect that I can highlight that I find most enjoyable, every process thats involved I put work into. My blog is enjoyable from putting pieces brands have sent to me and going to a location to shoot it, all to editing and finally posting. Every single aspect of my process is enjoyable to me.

How would you describe your style to someone?
URBAN LAYERED NINJA lol! nah it's a mixture of high end to street wear brands and putting together an assembly that essentially is ready to wear and I feel comfortable in.

How do you create your outfits and what you are going to wear to keep variety?
Thats where I have Instagram to thank right there, theres never a time I'm not on social media finding inspiration and lately its an abundance from designers to brands to specific pages dedicated to re-blogging amazing talented people from around the world, showcasing their styles. It keeps you on your toes to piece an outfit together from what you have. My style focuses on staple, ready to wear pieces, basic layering put together with a show case piece, like an outerwear jacket or a pair of kicks, usually Yeezys lol. But it's about mixing colour tones, I use to only wear black but I've found being more open minded when it comes to colours so my wardrobe is made up of Black, Khaki/Olive, Beige/Brown and Off White/Creams.

Who do you retract the most inspiration and influences you in the fashion world?
Again I can't pin point to one source. Its a variety of people that all cumulate into my mentality, from designers to rappers to fashion personalities to my friends around the world everything and everyone inspires me to do what I do everyday.

What current Instagram accounts/blogs do you reckoned and think have the most potential?
Right now, my designer friends Val Christopher (@valkristopher) and Luke Taylor (@blackmoniker) mainly my closest guys have worked so hard on their accounts. The likes of Tom Jones (@tomjxnes) and Nnamdi Obioha (@nnxmdi_) also my partner and missus Toni Groves (@miss_toni_groves) all these pages not a case of potential but already showcasing their take and fashion vision which for me is amazing to see. Pages wise I could list a few I'm sure your already aware of, @simple.fits @povoutfit @outfittoss @outfitfromabove @pause_online @outfitsociety are all pages I use to reference for style inspiration.

Finally what valuable advice do you have for a new blogger?
Anyone reading this that wants to do it, my advice is go do it but be dedicated to it, I have no fashion background, no qualifications but blogging has opened up so many doors for myself and allowed me to meet some amazing people, it's a life experience like no other snd who knows where your journey could lead you in the future, but that can only happen if you all take the steps and stay dedicated to it, passion and love is one thing but to go out and do it, work at it everyday is another matter and thats where people loose their way. For me Instagram was a hobby that's now transformed my life into a career, isn't life about making dreams reality? Good luck to those out there, keep inspiring the world!

Thanks for reading todays post and this incredible interview from John! Give myself and John feed back on any of our social media accounts and I will see you all on the next post.


John's social media accounts

Instagram - @blvckmvnivc
Twitter - @blvckmvnivc
Snapchat - @jblvckmvnivc
Depop - @johnmelchico
Tumblr - @blvckmvnivc


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