Sunday, 7 May 2017

Purchasing Your First 'Yeezy'

Source: grvgtaylor

Hi.. Yeah its me. You've seen me before, I think. Well not in a long time. But now, now I'm back and I'm here for good don't worry about that. I understand that my hiatus from my blog may have been prolonged just a little bit too much and with me recently quitting my job at a cafe I figured this would be perfect to really focus and get back into the page.

Now, enough of that. Here is my first returning post!

 In the world of streetwear and fashion in general the name Kanye West isn't exactly un-heard of. With his music being easily accessible but much can be said for his infamous collaboration sneakers with Adidas. They aren't exactly the easiest to obtain without having to pay resell especially if your a first time buyer with little or no experience with what to look for and this is where I hope this post will give a little or maybe a lot of help!

I myself have been scammed several times before finally getting my first real pair which happened to be the 'Beluga V2' so don't think i've never been in the position.

Now this post is mainly revolved around purchasing pairs on the resell market, if you can pick up retail pairs from Adidas or supplied stores then great there is a segment at the bottom of the post just for that!

I'd also like to point out that this is regarding the Adidas Yeezy partnership not the mainline Yeezy Season as most of their products are readily available from retailers.

Know Your Pricing

One of the biggest things to know about buying a pair of Yeezys is to know the current market value and resell price. For example if someone is selling a pair of brand new Moonrock 350s for £250 its most probably not going to be real.. where as if they were selling for £1000 its a bit more understandable. Don't let a low price draw you in and entice you into a sale as this is one of the easy ways sellers of fake products target first time buyers. However make sure you do your research and don't pay over the odds. Make sure to look at places such as Depop, eBay, Instagram and Facebook groups such as SneakerMyth and Yeezy Talk WorldWide for information and to give you an idea.

Get Involved With The Communities

If you have been looking around for pairs and are unsure on anything make sure to get involved with the online sneaker and fashion communities for answers. Facebook groups are great for posting: legit checks, want to buys, want to sells, price checks etc. 9 times out of 10 whenever I have posted a query or question I have gotten the answer I was looking for. Purchasing from reputable places and people within the communities are also vital as it stops you from being scammed or ripped off. People within groups ask for legit checks on other people to see reviews and references so don't be afraid to do that either.

Know Your Product

As well as asking others to legit check for you it really does help if you have prior knowledge to what a fake and an authentic look like. Make sure to watch youtube videos, look at pictures and really gain information on what to look out for on your specific model your wanting to buy. Main things to look out for usually involve: tags, the box, the boost, the insole, the stripe (V2 model), stitching, lace tips and just the overall shape of the shoe. Just make sure you get the opinion of several people first rather than spends hundreds of pounds solely based on your own knowledge and view as there are always things you may miss out or not see that make the shoe a fake.

Also make sure to check the condition and see if it adds up to the asking price!

Purchasing Direct From Adidas Or Participating Retailers

Now just like everyone else before we go paying resell we generally attempt at paying the retail price and getting lucky. If you are unsure of how to do this websites such as Sole Supplier and pages like Yeezy Mafia tend to leak out release dates and store lists a few weeks in advance. This will let you know how limited they are and usually how many pairs are being released (e.g. 34,000 for Europe) and this will reflect in resell price. Stores stopped doing camp outs a while back due to the colossal demand for the shoes and now the only real way is to enter as many online raffles as possible. Finally go on at 8:30am the day of release and patiently wait to see if you get through to the check out page!

Extra: Know The Terminology

Now this doesn't just apply to Yeezy's what so ever but it always helps to be up to date with the terminology used by people buying, selling and trading pairs so you know exactly what is meant. To a lot of you, you already know all of this as I said this post is aimed at people with little or no experience in purchasing.

OG - Original
DS - Dead Stock
VNDS - Very Near Dead Stock
BIN - Buy It Now
ONO - Or Nearest Offer
LTD - Limited Edition
WTB - Want To Buy
WTS - Want To Sell
WTT - Want to Trade
TD - Turtle Dove
MR - MoonRock
OT - Oxford Tan
PB - Pirate Black

I know this was short and I haven't covered everything by any means! But theres loads more information out there on the internet to answer anything you ned to know!

Tell me what you think about this post.

Thanks guys!




© Grvg Taylor

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