Monday, 1 August 2016

JORD Wood Watches Part 1.

Yes, yes, yes, I know, I know i haven't written in months now but I can't be bothered to write a huge apology because I can't wait to share with you this new post!

About a month ago I received an email from an American based watch brand looking for me to review and show off one of their new products. Now I know that my page and blog is only small compared to many but I was amazed to find that a brand would try with one of the less known bloggers out there. 

The brand I have here today to showcase to you all is JORD Luxury Wood Watches.

The brand is based in St. Louis, Missouri and this is what intrigued me more as they aren't a british based brand which usually go for the British bloggers. They sell premium hand made, all natural wooden watches that are beautifully crafted and presented.

I am personally big on presentation and I was very pleased to find the watch came in an engraved wooden sliding box that had been sanded down to be smooth as anything.
In side the box there was a booklet, cleaning cloth and obviously the watch. Sat there on an etched mini cushion. It was all executed very professionally.

The actual watch I got sent is to be exact the 'Dark Sandalwood & Blue Carbon' watch from the 'Delmar Series'. Its a bigger and chunkier statement watch from their amazing collection with an iris blue deep carbon fibre back face. Their watches all feature engraved logos on and very detailed faces and backs with details of the brand.

Bellow are a selection of images to see how the watch looks in more detail and on hand, also if you follow my social medias you'll see various other outfits of me wearing it with outfits. I also have a giveaway for a $75 e-gift card up for grabs! you get a $20 card just for entering (excluding the winner) Here is the link to go and sign up. ( The contest ends on 24/8/2016, $75 card expires 30/9/2016 and the $20 expires 31/12/2016. Good Luck!

Anyway I would highly recommend this watch to anyone looking for a solid, luxury and different watch! all of JORD's social accounts will be down bellow.

               JORD social accounts.
Instagram: @woodwatches_com
Pinterest: @jordwoodwatches
Facebook: JordWoodWatches
Twitter: @woodwatches_com
Vine: Wood-Watches
Snapchat: jordwatches


Monday, 2 May 2016

Affordable Substitutes

Hi guys, welcome back! I hope you like the new layout of the blog, If your on a mobile device this may look slightly similar but if your on a desktop you can really see how I've changed the blog into a lighter, more modern and minimalistic page.

Today's post is regarding affordable versions of more expensive products. I have 3 in todays post but if you enjoy this post and want more then I may do that in the future!

- Fear Of God

- H&M

1.) Fear Of God Zipper Pants (RRP £475) vs H&M Twill Zipper Pants (RRP £20)

In the street wear community I'm sure we are all a-customed to the 'pants with the zipper at the bottom'. Originally from street wear icon brand Fear Of God and retailing at nearly £500 the pants still managed to very quickly sell out. With Kanye spotted wearing them fans and street wear devotees a like wanted a cheaper alternate. In comes H&M.. Creating a very similar version to the Fear Of God zipper pants, the H&M version costs £20 making it highly attractive. Also coming in tan and olive with all the features of the expensive big brother, the H&M versions have YKK Zippers at the bottom as well as a stacked leg and long white draw strings (not as long as the FOG version). The quality is also very good on the H&M pants being a very comfortable stretchy twill. They aren't as skinny as the Fear Of Gods but still give an a amazing stacked effect) For a lot less you can get a very similar look. If you really want that FOG look even more you can buy longer draw strings for around £5 from eBay.

- Common Projects

- Asos

2.) Common Projects Chelsea Boots (RRP £310) vs Asos Chelsea Boots (£40)

If your looking for an affordable chelsea boot then I can guarantee you've looked at Asos, they have plenty of colours, styles and materials to choose from and generally range from £40-£50. The CP Chelsea boot is a high end luxurious chelsea boot with super soft suede and well built sole but not everyone can afford them with a hefty price point of just over £300. Both chelsea boots feature pull tabs, soft suede uppers and stretchy side panelling which makes them very similar. Even though the Asos ones are a lot cheaper than the CPs and the suede is not as soft they are still well made and good quality. You won't notice much of a difference between the two if you walk past someone with them on which is what makes shopping for chelsea boots so easy as from all brands they are extremely similar. However if you can afford the Common Projects I would definitely recommend taking a look at them.

- Favela Clothing

- Represent Clothing

3.) Represent Clothing Longsleeve T-shirt (£50) vs Favela Clothing Longsleeve T-shirt (£15)

Two very big brands in the street wear game, two of the most similar products here. Represent's striped long sleeves with dumb holes and scooped hem's are well known around the world with celebrities such as Chris Brown wearing them. Even though the £50 price mark isn't that expensive for the amazing quality you can still find a cheaper alternative if your on a very small budget. German streetwear brand Favela are currently having a ridiculous 70-80% off sale to clear all their old seasons stock and there are some amazing pieces to be found in there. One being the striped long sleeve. Both brands use the same stretchy, luxurious viscose, elastane blend for their tees and both have the thumb holes and scooped hems. Both are almost identical in feel apart from the pattern. If you have the extra cash then Represent really do make some amazing garments but I would advise anyone in checking out Favela as you might find something for a lot less than you think.


I hope you enjoyed todays blog post and just as a small disclaimer I am not trying to divert you away from any of the expensive brands at all, I am just giving a more affordable alternative to anyone reading. Both brands from the 3 different products are very good and I would recommend either.

Give me some feedback on the new interface and this new type of post!



Sunday, 24 April 2016

Outfit Of The Day - Distress Day

Photography: Farhan Zackaria

Blue Light Wash Denim Jacket (Self Distressed) - Topman / £45
Camo Green Hoodie - Topman / £32
Olive Longline Under T-shirt - Asos / £18
Ripped Black Skinny Jeans (Discontinued) - Maniere De Voir / £50
Black Corduroy Hat (Discontinued) - Supreme / £44
Geobasket Sneakers - Rick Owens / £730


Hi everyone and welcome back to another post. Unfortunately I have my exams coming up in a few weeks so blog posts will be becoming less frequent (as is the case with this one). However I will try my best to get posts out regardless!

The shoot took place at The Manchester Library which is great minimalist location with modern takes on more traditional architecture which was great! Exploring the city opens up amazing new spots to shoot at which I enjoy every time I go out to the city (almost every weekend haha)

The outfit I went for on the day once again had some colour to it! On top we have an olive longline tee from Asos (the usual), then I had on a new camo hoodie from Topman. id been tracking a camo over piece for a while and this hoodie was exactly what i was looking for, I wanted a hoodie with no draw strings and to have the overlapped from section of the hood (You'll understand when you see the pictures haha) and this fit the agenda perfectly, as well as being very affordable!. Another piece id been hunting for ages but never actually pulled the trigger on was a denim jacket. I found this one again in Topman for a reasonable price, BUT, I didn't want to keep it plain and 'ordinary' so the second I got home I took scissors to it (very hastily) and it turned out great! 

On the bottom half I decided to use some different jeans for a change opposed to my biker jeans you've been seeing for the past I don't know how many posts and I came across some brand new MDV (very) distressed jeans in my wardrobe. So well.. why not try them with this outfit! The combination of distressing on top of the outfit works simultaneously well with the bottom half. Although the jeans do have lots of small horizontal rips going across the front of the jeans they still work very well instead of say a traditional knee rip. Finally two standard pieces to finish off the look, my trusty Supreme hat and Rick Owens sneakers which are still destroying my feet...If you have any insole recommendations please let me know as I can't find any that fit the odd shape of the shoes sole!

Thank you for dropping by on this one, it meant a lot to me did this shoot as i finally got to do a proper non-rushed shoot with John as well as meet his incredibly talented photographer Farhan. So give them a follow on Instagram (link down bellow) and myself if you haven't already!

Once again thanks for the support and following, see you again soon.


Farhan's IG : @xyprokaira
Johns IG : @blvckmvnivc


Sunday, 13 March 2016

An Interview with: BLVCKMVNIVC

Source: Instagram

Hello guys and welcome to another post on this Sunday night. Tonight I have something rather special to show you, an interview with the infamous street wear god, John Melchico aka Blvckmvnivc. John took to Instagram a little over a year ago and within that space has built up an empire of social media accounts and followings. So sit back, relax and read on!

John Melchico-Bronx


Currently working full time in Selfridges contemporary menswear as a sales associate and stylist. While running my Instagram account as a global brand ambassador, so fashion is a full time job for me.

What started your love for fashion?
Ive always had a love for fashion at a young age, but within the last year its become my life. Instagram gave me the opportunity to share my love on a global scale and to engage with people around the world who share the same passion that I do.

Whats the most enjoyable aspect you find in your blogging?
Theres no one specific aspect that I can highlight that I find most enjoyable, every process thats involved I put work into. My blog is enjoyable from putting pieces brands have sent to me and going to a location to shoot it, all to editing and finally posting. Every single aspect of my process is enjoyable to me.

How would you describe your style to someone?
URBAN LAYERED NINJA lol! nah it's a mixture of high end to street wear brands and putting together an assembly that essentially is ready to wear and I feel comfortable in.

How do you create your outfits and what you are going to wear to keep variety?
Thats where I have Instagram to thank right there, theres never a time I'm not on social media finding inspiration and lately its an abundance from designers to brands to specific pages dedicated to re-blogging amazing talented people from around the world, showcasing their styles. It keeps you on your toes to piece an outfit together from what you have. My style focuses on staple, ready to wear pieces, basic layering put together with a show case piece, like an outerwear jacket or a pair of kicks, usually Yeezys lol. But it's about mixing colour tones, I use to only wear black but I've found being more open minded when it comes to colours so my wardrobe is made up of Black, Khaki/Olive, Beige/Brown and Off White/Creams.

Who do you retract the most inspiration and influences you in the fashion world?
Again I can't pin point to one source. Its a variety of people that all cumulate into my mentality, from designers to rappers to fashion personalities to my friends around the world everything and everyone inspires me to do what I do everyday.

What current Instagram accounts/blogs do you reckoned and think have the most potential?
Right now, my designer friends Val Christopher (@valkristopher) and Luke Taylor (@blackmoniker) mainly my closest guys have worked so hard on their accounts. The likes of Tom Jones (@tomjxnes) and Nnamdi Obioha (@nnxmdi_) also my partner and missus Toni Groves (@miss_toni_groves) all these pages not a case of potential but already showcasing their take and fashion vision which for me is amazing to see. Pages wise I could list a few I'm sure your already aware of, @simple.fits @povoutfit @outfittoss @outfitfromabove @pause_online @outfitsociety are all pages I use to reference for style inspiration.

Finally what valuable advice do you have for a new blogger?
Anyone reading this that wants to do it, my advice is go do it but be dedicated to it, I have no fashion background, no qualifications but blogging has opened up so many doors for myself and allowed me to meet some amazing people, it's a life experience like no other snd who knows where your journey could lead you in the future, but that can only happen if you all take the steps and stay dedicated to it, passion and love is one thing but to go out and do it, work at it everyday is another matter and thats where people loose their way. For me Instagram was a hobby that's now transformed my life into a career, isn't life about making dreams reality? Good luck to those out there, keep inspiring the world!

Thanks for reading todays post and this incredible interview from John! Give myself and John feed back on any of our social media accounts and I will see you all on the next post.


John's social media accounts

Instagram - @blvckmvnivc
Twitter - @blvckmvnivc
Snapchat - @jblvckmvnivc
Depop - @johnmelchico
Tumblr - @blvckmvnivc


Sunday, 28 February 2016

Outfit Of The Day - Can You Make Camo A Little Smarter?

Photography: Joel Givvons

Khaki Flight Jacket - Maniere De Voir / £55
Camo Scooped Hem T-shirt - H&M / £20
Black Oversized T-shirt - Asos / £14
Black Biker Jeans - Maniere De Voir / £50
Black Corduroy Hat - Supreme / £44
Arena High Sneakers - Balenciaga / £355


Hi guys welcome back, hope you've had a good weekend. I know I'm very late with this post in which I apologise, I hadn't forgot I just didn't have the time to create this post for you earlier in the week. Anyway enjoy this post and the rest of your Sunday evening!

Now I know and am aware of the fact that my style can look a little, how to put it un-colourful (if thats a word) and for the next post I decided to put a little dash of colour in. I recently picked up a scooped hem t-shirt which I love from H&M, in this amazing dim camo effect. I was pondering on what to put this with in an outfit and I instantly thought of layers. This t-shirt is a size larger than I would normally buy because it was the only one they had left in stock and I wanted it really badly. So to try and break the t-shirts mammoth length up I used an oversized black Asos T-shirt. With it being oversized it means it slides very comfortably over the top of a base layer t-shirt and looks great. To balance some more khaki into the outfit I used my beloved khaki flight jacket from MDV which hasn't appeared on my blog or social medias since the first post I ever did. The jackets bunched sleeves and short cut means it looks really nice with several pieces underneath it and doesn't make it look blown up and tight. The double zipper also helps with revealing those layers!

On the bottom half I've used my go-to smart black biker denim from MDV, this denim is their more updated version and is soft, stretchy and has a nice bunched effect at the tapered lower leg. Paired with my new Balenziaga Arena sneakers in all black. Now I know that some people in the street wear community feel these shoes have done their run and are now finished with but I feel otherwise. They are comfortable and look really smart. You can quite easily dress them up and down which is a real difficulty when coming to sneakers. The quality is amazing as you would expect with something of this price and even the packaging is top notch. I would seriously recommend taking a look at the arenas and Balenciaga's runners especially in the olive colour way (if you can find them).

So to round of the outfit its a blend of street with a touch of smartness. The top of the outfit represents a nice layered streetwear look whilst the bottom half displays a more clean and classy look. I think the two work great simultaneously together. Tell me your opinion on the fit! Thanks for reading and make sure to leave a comment on my social medias if you enjoyed! See you on the next post!



Sunday, 21 February 2016

Outfit Of The Day - Virgil Taught Me

Photography: Charlotte Traverse

Black Scooped Hem Under T-shirt - Topman / £10
Black Hoodie - Maniere De Voir / £35
'Blue Collar' Black T-shirt - OFF WHITE C/O / £140
Black Biker Jeans - Maniere De Voir / £50
Black Corduroy Hat - Supreme / £45
Geobasket Sneakers - Rick Owens / £730


Hello everyone I hope you've had a good week, I know I'm becoming slightly behind with the blog posts so be expecting another blog post tomorrow evening as well so I can catch up.

Trying to find a nice variety of shooting spots can sometimes prove rather difficult, and to keep the picture looking fresh and the audience draw in takes time to find the right place. The balance of keeping a minimal and clean background whilst not looking boring is a hard skill to get right and as a new blogger I'm still learning about this. This shoot was done in central Manchester at the fountains at the end of Deansgate  Unfortunately they weren't active when I was there but we made do the best we could.

Ive always been a fan of Virgil Abloh and his now deceased brand 'Pyrex Vision'. It was brought to my attention with the slight help of Kanye wearing it and it becoming a huge icon in the streetwear world. However when it died it came back rebranded as 'Off White C/O' and I forgot about it. Now its returned bigger and even better with it new collection and I'm absolutely in love with the brand.

The outfit consists of primarily black with small mounts of white or Rick Owens calls it 'milk'. With the bold Off White T-shirt on top and being one of the main centre pieces I need some shoes to equally be as eye catching. The perfect shoe for the job was my Geobaskets from Rick Owens, this very loud yet subtle leather masterpiece literally shouts luxury. With a full leather upper, metal zipper and exaggerated tongue the sneaker fits great with the bulky outfit.

Unfortunately I couldn't afford the Off White jumper so instead decided to get the t-shirt in the largest size possible and layer it over a jumper, the obvious choice was the black hoodie from MDV and a simple scooped hem tee from Topman. Finished with some of MDV's new and updated biker denim and a Supreme Hat.

I love this clean and minimal outfit, with small hints of boldness through the sneakers and t-shirt I feel it could fit in whether your in the city or your local town. Tell me what you think of this look and have a good rest of your sunday! Back to school and work tomorrow :(

See you tomorrow on the next post.


Thursday, 28 January 2016

Outfit Of The Day - Monochrome Mashup

Photography: Charlotte Traverse

Black Gym Bomber Jacket - Represent Clothing / £80 (Sold Out)
Checked Flannel - Topman / £25
Grey Scooped Hem T-shirt - Topman / £10
Black Shorts w/ meggings - Asos / £30
Black Corduroy Hat - Supreme / £44
Qasa High Prime knit Sneakers - Y3 / £260


Hello! welcome back, I'm sorry its been a little dormant around here but I promise it won't be like that for long with more OOTDs to come! This outfit I love because of its usage of simplistic layering and colour running of blacks, whites and greys. I feel the outfits urban appeal works well with its surroundings myself and some friends found in the heart of Manchester. Ive always loved the city and everything about it and I try and make my outfits stand out in the fast paced environments whilst still fitting in at the same time.

For the outfit instead of just going for white and black, why not throw some grey in? I recently picked up some new Y3 sneakers and they have a main body of Adidas's insanely comfortable prime knit material. The knit has flashes of grey and white in whilst the rest of the shoes has blacks and whites, so to balance out some more grey in the outfit I used my top man scooped hem t-shirt and top man flannel. Ive just started to buy more scooped hem 
pieces now (I know Im late) and they layer superbly over one another. Giving a different look to your standard cut. Topped off with the crazy Gym Bomber by Represent, this jacket brings another meaning to quality, and the soft, premium feeling materials really do it for me on this one. On the bottom half Ive kept it simple and gone for some plain black shorts with meggings from Asos just to give a different aesthetic than some conventional black skinnies.  A band I've know for a long time but never been able to buy something I really liked is supreme. Now I have one of their box logo hats I can really see what the major hype is about with this brand, If you own some supreme pieces you know what I mean..

Thank you for taking your time to read this article! And stay tuned for more. If you aren't already make sure to follow me on my social media accounts (names over on the right of the screen). Leave a comment if you enjoyed this post and ill see you next time!


© Grvg Taylor

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